It's 2009 and after Jan 20th, a black man will be officially running the country can you believe, it's almost still surreal....boy black folks have really came along way, ya digg. To kick of the new year, new site, Real's girl Bay Bay Bay from Real Chance of Love and Doc Shaw aka Malik Payne from Tyler Perry House of Paynes....That's right starting the year off right, ya digg...So shouts out to both of them for coming through on the show, Watch Real Chance of Love Season Finale Monday at 9pm on vh1 to see if Bay Bay Bay gets her man Real and Tyler Perry House of Paynes on Wednesdays on TBS to see the real true mack of the show, Malik, Doc Shaw.
In case you missed the live interviews, tune in Monday at 6pm est, 5pm central, and 3pm pst to hear your girl Bay Bay Bay and your boy Doc Shaw on the line with ya girl Samore, on Reewine College Radio, After Monday the interviews will be posted.
Check out Real's girl Bay Bay Bay from Real Chance of Love

Check out Doc Shaw on Tyler Perry House of Paynes
on myspace and facebook "Doc Shaw"
2009 is Grind Time, Urban Entertainment the company the radio show is stepping it up, with the new website, please join, so you can check in and know exclusively who would be stopping on the show that week....Because like I said this year we will be stepping it up, big interviews, big exclusives, and always new music.....just keep it locked to Urban Entertainment because you know we gonna keep it urban with you.
To begin the year in Urban Entertainment, might have to refresh you what went down the last big of 2008 to kick of 2009 right, Katt Williams gets off on Steve Harvey on their New Year's Eve Show they did together, Steve Harvey had just got off stage and it was on Katt Williams...when i say don't you suppose to respect your elders right, well Katt must was drunk, high, all of the above that night...he started from his haircut to his suits to his career...I found it ironic Steve didn't talk about him on his radio show...but I might have missed it though....if you weren't there check out the video below....Moving along, Dame Dash Jr.....he steps up on the 1s and 2s still in the middle of the custody battle between his mama and daddy he still does his thing....With Doc Shaw coming on the show, announcing that he was nominated for a NAACP award, his boss Mr. Tyler Perry will be hosting the NAACP Image Awards with Halle Berry...I wonder if he would bring Madea out on stage...that will be something to see, speaking of Madea, Madea goes to Jail comes out in theaters Feb 20..Oh yeah and he has his house, the one in Diary of a Mad Black Woman (the movie), up for sale for almost 4 million dollars....Now, Next, Oh yeah Queen Latifah was robbed. She was vacationing with a "female friend" at this $1,000 per night Stone Haven Villas in Black Rock, Tobago where some stole $10,000 worth of jewelry, she says she's upset about the theft because of the sentimental value and would be willing to offer a reward for the return....I'm still on the vacationing with a female friend....Moving along, your boy souljah boy was rob, and by some real goons...they went life on and said yeah we robbed ya it was me and my dawg right here, calls him out and all....continue below for exclusive footage....On another note, R. Kelly is officially not married anymore, T-Box, Dennis Rodman, Claudia Jordan, Herschel Walker, are just among the complete cast that would be on the next season of Celebrity Apprentice, and your girl Sheree from Atlanta Housewives gets her divorce settlement and is not satisfied wants to appeal it...but get this, she's getting 1.1 million dollars plus child support for her and Bob Whitfield (Atlanta Falcons football player)....more on this and more like Fantasia North Carolina house going up on the auction block, the Notorious movie premiering next week, and more stay tuned. Don't forget to join
Now for more in Urban Entertainment 2009:
Barack Obama and the living presidents...
Wow, Barack Obama is the best looking president ya think? You Represent Unc!!
of course his cake would be in the shape of a piano...
Jamie Foxworth aka Judy from Family Matters...
Also from Celebrity Rehab when she was addicted to Marijuana like we are aren't lol, anywa she's pregant...5 months pregant to her boyfriend...she says she releasing an autobiography from child star to adult movie star, then she's releasing a hip hop album, and a reality show....aren't they all...i see she's gonna be busy in 2009
Dr. Dre son, Andre Young Jr. dide last year right...
According to, confirmed by the LA County Coroner's office the drug test results- thy say ruled an accident due to morphine and heroin intoxication....
Tyler Perry's Fairburn, Ga estate for sale for almost 4 million dollars
Beyonce and Solonge chillin in Miami for New Years....
You see Bey on the Kawaski.....BALLIN'
Oprah says this year she will be happier and make herself number one....
She says she is had to admit she was almost about to give up last year, when she can't sleep she eats...but this year she's gonna lose weight....with the money she got i bet she will get that weight off of her...
Ray is looking for the lady he can turn his playa card in for...
That's right "For the love of Ray J" is coming to VH1 Feb 2. I seen the preview it's going to be off glass full of entertainment, you know we will either have to get ray j or some of the girls on there...also, I love money 2 will be back as well.....Dang, I mean how can i get me a show, I gotta holler at them producers see how can I get me a show...I already got a title, Keepin It Urban with ya girl Samore...what do you think?
still going strong, for the 09....looks like they still in love I see
But a couple who are in love and cute too are no not Barack and Michelle....It's
That's right he popped the question on New Year's Eve...gave her a 3.36 karat 1865 Pave Cartier ring...that's love right there...
Black Love is so beautiful...
Aren't the cute....I mean Lance got him a top model...Eve got her a sexy chocolate man.... has the full interview with Lance and Eva on how he proposed what was her far, they are looking at a Summer 2010 wedding....
Urban Videos:
The Souljah boy one is a trip ain't, them is some real Goons right there, what do you think?
Robin Thicke has taken Justin's Place in Urban Music
In threaters NOW:
In theaters JANUARY 16 NEXT WEEK:
In theaters FEBURARY 20:
Well as you can see we are off to a good start for 2009, Urban Entertainment is doing major things please be sure to join Until next time, be good and keep it so urban.
Ya girl DJ Samore aka Mo Urban keepin it so urban, ya digg
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