Your girl Samore here, I've been working on the edit on the show from Thursday....the special post election show featuring....President Barack Obama. This is an historic moment...a historic show, America has voted for change, yes President Barack Obama is the First African American President, yes this is what Dr. King preached, his dream has came alive, and those in Selma marched for....This show would be available in the archives online even if you would like a copy of be on the look out for that. I should have it up by Monday. This is just the beginning and a sign that things are changing and we are ready for change as Americans hey 8 years after Bush would do it, right? January 20, 2009 will be something to witness....Barack Obama sworn in inauguration in D.C. ...if you are interested getting on the with Pres. Obama's inauguration in the subject line. This week stay tuned to Urban Entertainment, your girl Neffe Keyshia Cole's sister just might be coming thru on the phone line Thursdays at 2pm on FAU Owlradio. If you have any questions email with Question for Neffe in the subject line. I told you we gonna end this year big...and don't miss out on the throwback Urban Entertainment show...any old' school r&b or hip hop songs you wanna request get them in now email with ol' school request in subject line.
Urban Entertainment on the following days on the following stations:
Urban Entertainment is strictly for the grown young folks...
Would like to be an official sponsor of the Urban Entertainment radio show
This week in Urban Entertainment, was history in the making. I was just so excited to be apart of the first black President elected to the United States. There indeed are a lot of people not happy with this decision, what can i say but HI! HATERS....then a lot of people were saying that if the result went the other way they were leaving the US and I'm glad to say the nation is looking good right now and for once in my life I'm proud not just to be an American but to be an African American. There can be no excuses now, President Barack Obama is prove that you can do it. You can be anything you set your mind to. You can be president you can be anything you aim and inspire to be. Barack Obama will represent for us in the White House to the fullest, and don't think I forgot about the first lady, Michelle Obama, she has and is representing for the sistas. She let us know don't settle for the dude who wear his pants below his but, or don't wanna get a can go for that lawyer, doctor,executive, that future next president....brothers step your game up.....Again, the show for last week would be available online and and physical copies would be avaliable too. Oprah was happy as well she says the tape is off her mouth now she made a promise she wouldn't use her show as a platform and supported Oprah as a private citizen....Diddy's b day was the day history was made, Barack Obama wins presidency....Usher say he is speechless of this moment...Kanye posted a picture of Obama on his blog and says Mom Obama Won...TLC's Chilli says it's a amazing and she thought she would never seen this...WOW nobody did, I think it would have happen some 40 years ago, God's sending a message of change, but again 8 years of Bush would do it right...I hear through the grapevine that there's already an Obama documentary to the White House in the works...I already know who's playing Barack, Will Smith, who else have those ears lol...Barack's still my uncle...and Jada can play Michelle...Oh and the girls Sasha and Malia get their puppy when the move in the White House...can you imagine living in the white house? the first black family to actually live in the white house, that's gotta be incredible for the girls...But they get their puppy and Obama was asked what type of puppy they would get...and they were saying something like a mixed breed he called it a mutt, like him....But on Ellen this week, Michelle was on there and nice as Ellen is she brought the girls a cute little dog to take to the White House...Well this has been an exciting and historic week in Black America, as well as America itself...Next week we will back to our normal Urban Entertainment....and like I said your girl, Neffe Keyshia Cole sister might be coming through on the phone lines to talk about the new season, her book, and birthday contests....what am I talking about tune in this Thursday to find out...until next time you already know what to do....keep it so safe and urban, ya digg...
Urban Television is coming back.....
New Season of Keyshia Cole's The Way It Is- Tuesday at 10pm est on BET
New Season of Snoop's Fatherhood- November 30th on E Network
New Season of The Game (yes The Game is still on) Fridays at 8:30pm est on the CW
New Episodes/Season of House of Paynes December 3rd on TBS starting at 8pm est
Real Chance of Love Mondays on VH1 at 9pm est
50 Cent's The Money and The Power on MTV at 10pm est
So Urban Television is looking real good now for the fall quarter...
The New 1st Family of the United States of the America.....
The nation is looking real good....January 20, 2009 would you be in D.C.?
Our 44th President....Barack Obama
Superwoman: Michelle Obama
The First Lady; representing for all sistas and sisters....
President Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden
The Better Man for the get this country back on the right path
Thank god we do not have to leave the is all part of God's plan he gave us a leader in Barack just like he gave the Israelites Moses....God's hands was all over his campaign...and it was god that got us out to vote and defeat them haters...HI! HATARS
Barack and His grandmother...
Yeah she's looking down on him proud of her grandson....
The celebs showed up and showed out...the rep for Obama all day
She canceled her promo tour in Japan just to be in the US to witness the historic moment on Nov 4th, and she's ready for whatever to perform, volunteer for Jan 20th....Girl Bey...I'm right there myself I see you there
Oprah in Grant Park, in Chi Town at Obama's Victory Rally
The tape is off her mouth...she's supported Obama as a private citizen
Diddy votes and records his moment being part of history....
Being a resident of GA he could vote due to him not serving a sentence or on probation at the time....
And the end result, On Nov 4th...

My President is Black...Change, Hope, Progress for the Future
Powerful Speech it really sets the tone for how he will run this country and I can't wait to see the change and progress in stored for this country.
-Ya Girl Samore aka DJ Mo Urban keeping it so urban ya digg
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