Urban Entertianment Radio Promo
2 G's

Born Mario Dashawn Chelsea in Inglewood, California, Mario is the eldest of two boys. M-Hat's father was the Co-Founder of the well-known low riding car club, the Damu Riders. Know for his toughness and stints in jail, M- Hat found himself forced to move around a lot as a child due to his fathers lifestyle. When one of his many moves landed him in N. Hollywood, Mario quickly found his first outlet playing Pop Warner football in middle school. It was at this middle school that Mario, also known as "M-Hat", got his nickname from James, a childhood friend who later would become the manager of the rap group. It was around that time when he met Ian "Young Fligg", the second half of the duo.
Mario would eventually go on to play some Semi-Pro football, but retired his pads and helmet due to a gun shot injury in 2002. Shortly after his misfortune, Hat started working for Bryce Wilson as a caretaker of his music studios in Burbank, California. The studio not only became temporary housing he and Fligg, but was also a gateway into a whole new world. A world that was undiscovered until the night he and Fligg stepped into the recording booth. Slowly M-Hat's raw and untapped talent began to emerge through his lyrics. Over time Hat not only became a talented rapper, but a savvy businessman; starting a nightclub marketing and promotions company, as well as NoHo Kuts, a barbershop he started with his brother Kevin in 2005.
“God’z Gift is more than a duo it’s a lifestyle, it’s a support system. We can always depend on each other, what one does not have the other does and we will always have each other’s back regardless”, says M-Hat.
Ian Richard Chidlaw AKA “Young Fligg“, was born at his parents home in Los Angeles, CA. Fligg spent most of his young life in LA, before moving to North Hollywood when he was 12 years old. Some say his nickname was derived from his haircut, which had a part in the middle, and fell on his head like a mushroom. His long time childhood friend James AKA “Black” says it somewhat resembled an igloo. Ask Mario AKA “M-Hat “, and he will say it resembled a “Fliggloo“, which later became his nickname “Fligg“. Nevertheless a childhood name has now turned into his alter rap ego.
Ever since he was a little kid, Fligg he had a way of affecting people with his spoken words, and has always felt his calling has been to speak to people. So it is no surprise that he feels that if music had fallen into his lap, he would be preaching or some sort of motivational speaker. In his younger years, like most people who come to Hollywood, Fligg dabbled in acting and landed a role in Spike Lee’s “Do The Right Thing”. But the celebration was short lived, and with his now pregnant sister Catalina moving home, Fligg was forced to give up his room and step out as a young on his own. Now temporarily homeless and with only a piece of an acting career, Fligg had no choice but to take up residence at a local recording studio with his new family, Hat and Black.
Fligg says, that the moment he stepped into the recording booth and discovered his rap talent everything made sense to him. He began writing rhymes, and ever since he has been chasing the perfect song; the type of song that you can dance to ten years from now, he says. Fligg has a metamorphic rap style, and feels that rapping is somewhat like being a novelist, but on a microphone.
God’z Gift is everything he stands for a lifestyle, and a belief system. Quote Fligg, and he says; “he is living his life to the best of his abilities, and seems to be getting the most back from it“. Our relationship, “It's a brotherhood that has ventured off into so many different things“, says Fligg. As an innovator in his craft, Young Fligg strives to become the best at what he does. “Hat, is competitive, but in a positive way, he’s always pushing me to step my game up”, says Fligg.
2 Gs
"Smash Hit"
all they need is a producer...

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