This Thursday your boys from the group Day 26 called in from the tour bus on the road for a little interview. They were sleep and woke up for you the fans that's love right there. The Making the Band Tour is already on and poppin; they were on their way to the Balitmore show. The interview will be posted up soon just in case you missed it. The album Day 26 is gold now and they are trying to get platium status with their BET Awards nomination for Best Group. It was a fun interview so shouts out to the fellas; Rob, Will, Brian A, Q, and Mike...Making The Band returns Aug 6 and it's following the guys of Day 26, Danity Kane, Donnie Klang, and Cheri Dennis...
go to to get your tickets to a show near you. Check out their myspace page at for show dates and more.
Also your boy Sha Chill called in and introduced the hit "Indecent Proposal". And let us know what's going on for him. You can check him out online at
These interviews will be posted real soon. So stay tuned for more...
Be sure to make sure you keep it locked to Urban Entertainment on Florida Atlantic University's Owl radio on Thursdays 2pm est...because you never know who just might be dropping in. If you haven't already join the FREE URBAN ENT RADIO TEXT GROUP.
This past week in Urban Entertainment, the first grandchild of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born. Martin Luther King III and his wife welcome their daughter Yolanda Renee King early last Sunday at Northside hosipital in Atlanta, Ga. The named her after his oldest sister who passed last year.
Reverend Run will be returning this summer for a 5th season and he is now the brand ambassador for Kool Aid.
As you know the Flavor Flav's Flavor of Love 3 Reunion premeired this week. And just like we find out Flavor Flav dumps Thing 2 and proposes to his baby mama (youngest son Karma) Liz. He says this is the Flavor of love right here....Here's a clip from the reunion when he proposes:
Now that's one hot mess right there. I mean Flav literally played all those girls. That's 75 girls, 3 shows, 25 girls each show, call himself trying to find love. Yeah right. I mean some of the girls caught on to it and made sure they get something out the deal. But some really feel for this man. Flav must be serious though, he cut his hair and took the gold out. I'm happy for him wish him the best. Maybe this chick here will give him 3 more babies or maybe he can holla at one of the girls from the past shows.
Here's Flavor of Love 3 Memorable Moments; from Shy's bad breath to Myammye (Miami) Pimp calling the house.
I Love Money premieres on VH1 July 13 at 9pm (see Blog Entry I LOVE MONEY Contestants for more info)
Moving along...Usher's album Here I Am In Stores Now
Usher visited MTV's Trl and set the record straight about him and his wife. Just in case you missed it you can watch the clip for yourself.
May 27, 2008
by 2008co2008
Speaking of Here I Stand: Usher really showcases his vocal range and express his growth from boy to man. From being single and no kids to happlity married with a stepson and son. Look for him and his son and wife on the cover of Essense's Father's Day edition of the magazine.
Halle baby pictures...Halle is asking for 1 million but magazines like People who paid 6 million to J-Lo and Marc Anthony for the first photo of their twins. The want to offer her $400,000. That's the main reason why we haven't seen any pictures of baby Nahla Aubry.
Nas will not be calling his new album Nigger due to the pressure but on him by his label for the controversial name and the fact it would be hard to get stores to put the album in their stores like Target and Walmart. So the new album will be called An Untitled LP...But Nas did not give in that easily..He will be releasing a mixtape called "The Nigger Mixtape" with DJ Green Lantern.
We will get to see TI fulfill his community service requirement before he serves his 1 year in prison next year. The show will follow TI around as he visit and talk with danger kids who are headed down the wrong path. The show will rap around the time as he go in to serve his time early next year 2009. And the show 8 episodes will premeire on MTV shortly after he begins his 1 year prison sentence. Paper Trails is still on deck Aug 12.
Sex in the City in movies now...Jennifer Hudson role is Carrie Bradshaw's (Sarah Jessica Parker)
new assistant, her role as the black girlfriend. Kelly Rowland seems to feel a little salty because she felt like she had a better audition then J-Hud and she should have got the role. Rowland felt like Hudson got the part because of her Oscar and Golden Globe nomination. Make sure you go and check out that flick and come back and let me know what you think.
Urban Star Power
Romeo and Gabrielle Union

When I tell you...Romeo has grown up he has grown up doing his thing going to college, still doing his music, and about to launch a new reality show...he's Master P son for real
Bobby Kristina...

Poor child Poor child...I just hope she don't get on that stuff because cigarrettes leads to other things weed to cocaine to crack, oh my bad "crack is cheap"
Flavor of Love 2 and Charm School contestant: Buckey aka Shay
I guess Charm School didn't do anything for her because she suppose to have a sex tape or "explicit" video footage of her. I don't know what's going on...I guess you haven't made it if you don't have a sex tape out on the internet or in the adult video store.
Speaking of Sex Tapes...Ray J was kicked out the Hyatt Hotel in Washington D.C. and moved to the Holiday Inn across the street. He was kicked out because there was smoking and illegal drug activites going on with him and his entourage...they say he is on the Chingy level...I don't think so but hey that's what they are saying...If you haven't seen his Sex Movie with him and ex girl Kim Kardashian then you wouldn't get that his new nickname is; "Brandy's little big brother". For those who seen it knows what I'm talking you doing?
Can You Believe This; Halle Berry has official lost her baby weight
She looks really good after having a baby at age of 41. Because other sisters like Jasmine Guy around Berry's age look tore down. You go Halle keep doing your thing.
Babyface and Girlfriend expecting first child together...
It will be Babyface third child. Babyface is about 50 years old now don't you think he need to change his name from Babyface because he is more like oldface or know your irl is not right...but I have to keep it real more like keep it urban...Ya Heard Me!!!!
Here's Chris Brezzy and Rihanna getting it up in the club...
Now that's what you call making love in this club...I know you heard they are suppose to be working on a duet together....I guess Rihanna got a little jealous of Chris and Jordin Sparks song No Air how big of a hit it has become and she wants to do a song with her man...I can't wait to see how they sound together...Neyo I hope you got a good one for Rihanna
Songwriter of the year goes to Ne-yo. You know what that should be a category at the BET AWARDS. Don't forget to vote for the Viewer's Choice Award, you can vote online or text message...go to for more info
Micheal Jackson and his kids...
Beyonce and Jay Z at the Film Festival in Cannes

They do make a cute couple though...I still think she's pregant...and it's not me. With the baby registery, the bump in her stomach, and little things that she's being aware of her eating and her break from no alcohol...But hey go ahead and do your thing...
Barack Obama Update:
Well on Thursday he need only 45 more delegatges; Florida and Michigan sitation wasn't settled
Now the DNC has decided to split both state delegates 50/50 still leaving Barack Obama in the lead
Puerto Rico primary is on Sunday
And the final primary contest will be Tuesday 6/3; Montana and South Dakota
To my Hilary supporters; I wanna know would you support and vote for Obama for president, vote for Mccain, or won't vote at all...Because no matter how it goes down if Obama when these contests he will have hit that magic number to get the nomination to be the official Presidential Canadiate
Obama still have more popoular votes, Hilary lied while at a rally in South Dakoto saying she was ahead...
He has more delgates and superdelegates then Hilary
No Bi*^%hA$$ness Vote Obama for President
Now for Next Week:
Xzibit moruns the death of his newborn son; Xavier Kingston Joiner born prematurly May 15th passing away 11 days later.
Sherri Shepred will co host the daytime emmys while she is nominated for a daytime emmy herself; co host of ABCs The View
June 10th: Plies' Definition of Real hit the stores with hits Bust it baby pt 1 and 2 andd then new single Please Excuse My Hands with Jaime Foxx and The Dream
Until next week be good and keep it so urban
Don't forget to tune in to the show every Thursday 2pm est on Florida Atlantic University's Owl Radio;
Download Volume 3: R&b vs Hip Hop:
R&B vs Hip Hop Vol 3: Download Now:

Ya Girl Samore aka DJ Mo Urban aka "The Queen" of Urban Entertainment
Urban Entertainment-Fau Owlradio-Slip N Slide DJ
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