Monday, April 28, 2008

Congrats to TI, A Classic Video, and still keepin it urban

I hope you enjoy the Hairbraider video...I guess you all see why he had gold i said homeboy can write a song about anything. Also Nas's Big a Nigga too...scroll down to Apr 24: Keepin it urban post...and see if you wanna be a nigga too...the most contrversial album to drop this year...

Well here's a classic video inspired by a classic black movie that should be in your urban vault "School Daze". Alicia Keys has one of the best albums of 2008 so far. But it didn't even come out in 2008...that's an artist. I hope you got your tickets when she come to a city near you check her and her Alicia Keys in africa at and If you haven't seen it here it is the "Teenage Love Affair" video. Since the premiere of the video her spins on the radio has increased major. So check it out and let me know what you think.

Alicia Keys' Teenage Love Affair video:

And congrats to TI and Tiny because we hear that they are getting married, and they are not waiting to the summer time. They got married this past weekend at their house, because you know he can't go to far away from home. That's what ya call hood love. Because she was down for him through it all...and now she's pregant again with his child. They are doing it so major.

Don't forget to stay tuned to the show this week for the interview with Slip n Slide new artist Qwote and Christian Keyes from Tyler Perry plays and Ashanti's hot video, The Way that I love you...If you have any questions just email them to me to subject: Question for (Qwote or Christian or Both).

So until the next time keep it urban

Ya Girl Samore

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