I hope you enjoy the Hairbraider video...I guess you all see why he had gold braids...like i said homeboy can write a song about anything. Also Nas's Big a Nigga too...scroll down to Apr 24: Keepin it urban post...and see if you wanna be a nigga too...the most contrversial album to drop this year...
Well here's a classic video inspired by a classic black movie that should be in your urban vault "School Daze". Alicia Keys has one of the best albums of 2008 so far. But it didn't even come out in 2008...that's an artist. I hope you got your tickets when she come to a city near you check her and her Alicia Keys in africa at www.aliciakeys.com and www.aliciainafrica.com. If you haven't seen it here it is the "Teenage Love Affair" video. Since the premiere of the video her spins on the radio has increased major. So check it out and let me know what you think.
Alicia Keys' Teenage Love Affair video:
And congrats to TI and Tiny because we hear that they are getting married, and they are not waiting to the summer time. They got married this past weekend at their house, because you know he can't go to far away from home. That's what ya call hood love. Because she was down for him through it all...and now she's pregant again with his child. They are doing it so major.
Don't forget to stay tuned to the show this week for the interview with Slip n Slide new artist Qwote and Christian Keyes from Tyler Perry plays and Ashanti's hot video, The Way that I love you...If you have any questions just email them to me to urbanent08@gmail.com subject: Question for (Qwote or Christian or Both).
So until the next time keep it urban
Ya Girl Samore
Monday, April 28, 2008
Congrats to TI, A Classic Video, and still keepin it urban

Friday, April 25, 2008
New R. Kelly Hairbraider Video
Here you see why R.Kelly has gold hair....when i say R. Kelly can write a song about anything. He can write a song about anything. Check out the so exclusive R. Kelly Hairbraider brand new album on the new album...look out for trapped in the closet this may more chapters

Apr 24th: Keepin It So Urban
This Week in Urban Entertainment, that's urban film, television, and of course music. If you have not heard of the radio show tune in online at http://owlradio.fau.edu/. Keep it locked right here soon we will be posting the entire show for you to listen to the show. Urban Entertainment is doing big things. Ya Girl Samore aka DJ Mo Urban aka the Queen of Urban Entertainment.
This week is the last official Urban Top 10 list until the book comes out hopefully sometime next year (2009). Don't get it twisted just because this weeks Urban Top 10: is the top 10 things to make sure you are keeping it urban this summer, but you should make sure you keep it urban all the time or at least balance dose of Urban Culture. Just like our history American History would be nothing with out African American History. Anyway so here's the
Last Official Urban top 10: top 10 things to keep it urban this summer
10. C side album drops check them out at www.myspace.com/csideonline
9. Alicia Keys As I Am tour with Neyo and Jordin Sparks opening. Make sure you get your tickets she's gonna be in a city near you go to http://www.aliciakeys.com/ also if you are singer you can get your chance to sing backup (dang I wish I could sing right) females only go to www.myspace.com/aliciakeys for more info deadline to enter is May 5th.
8. Download R&B vs Hip Hop avaliable online via http://www.datpiff.com/ or www.myspace.com/urbanent2006
7. Martin the complete season four is in stores now
6. The way it is Season 2 on DVD in stores April 29th - shouts out to Neffe for calling in on the show last week.
5. Bet Awards 08 - if you can get to la or are in la that would be a great way to keep it urban because of the urban star power that will be in the building
4. The Slip n Slide DJ Retreat Music Conference May 9th and May 10th the biggest music conference in tampa fl at club 360 in ybor city. the biggest networking event for independent artist and record labels go to www.myspace.com/slipnslidedjs to register
3. Check out the official Urban Entertainment Blogs...stay tuned to this one and the owlradio urban entertainment radio show blog http://wowl2.fau.edu/owlforums/weblog.php?w=14
2. Tune in to Urban Entertainment with ya girl Samore aka DJ Mo Urban aka Queen of Urban Entertainment same time same day until futher notice; thursdays 2pm est to 4pm est online at http://owlradio.fau.edu/ also on the FAU Boca Raton Campus
1. No Bi**cha$$ness (NO B.A.ness for the radio) - Vote Obama - the number rule to make sure you are keeping it urban if you don't do anything else....
And that's what it is so keep it urban people please No Bi@#cha$$ness allowed ya digg?
Now shouts out to the boys C-Side for calling in and talking about the bizness and letting us know about the boyfriend/girlfriend and how can us ladies apply to be their girlfriend check them out online at www.myspace.com/csideonline and the vote for the video on BET 106 and park to get it on the countdown look out for them the album drops this summer...keep urban remember now
Here's the video C-Side feat Keyshia Cole Boyfriend and Girlfriend
vote for your boys on bet 106 and park now www.bet.com/106andpark
Two marry men hanging out without their women

Cute Couple right...Tia and Cory just got married last weekend. She does has great taste in men. Even though her television show "The Game" is still hanging in there on the CW and his show "Lincoln Heights" on abc family is no longer...

I heard she had a bad (meaning good for my less urban readers) contour wedding gown and her sister Tamera was her maid of honer. I wonder did she throw her a bachlorette party with some strippers...
Now Nas's new album should be out this July

Here's his new single: Be a nigga too
LL Brings the kids out on the stage

Bobby Christina and LaPrincia hanging out together...

Juanitia Byuam on divorce court....

How did you let them eliminate your boys Lil B Sure (Al B Sure son) and Landon Brown (Bobby Brown son) I think it was a conspircy becasue why did the two people they were eliminating had to be the two black boys. and last week the black girl. It's a conspircy now there's no need to watch the show. It's just like American Idol it's not bout the votes they will pick who they want to win.

But that's okay. Lil Al B and Landon and their dads will be hitting the road real soon so check ya boys out.
TI and Tiny finally got a date and getting married making it official

Mike Tyson and some guy at a babe store opening in LA.

All I have to say is Mike got some hips on him and a gut on him as well. I guess them boxing days are really over huh?
Well for more photos of urban culture celebrities check out the owlradio urban ent. blog also. And don't forget to check out the show on Thursdays soon as ya girl figure how to put audio on the blog I will post some of the shows for you to check out just in case you can't here the show live on thursdays. You can go to the Urban Entertainment Myspace page and here clips of interviews on the show like your boys c-side who called in this week (shouts out to them) . And next week you wanna tune in because Qwote new slip n slide artist will be on the phone lines and Mr. Christian Keyes from Madea Goes To Jail and What's done in the dark, And Ashanti's The way that I love you video that she clearly said that it is not any relations to her and Nelly break up and that her relationship with Nelly is that they are just "really good friends" and I'm add with Benefits, but hey it is what it is right...
So stay tuned for more ....ya girl got more where all this come from because she is the queen of this and keeps it so urban
Until the next time keep it so urban and remember No Bi*@#ha$$ness Vote Obama
Ya Girl Samore

Friday, April 18, 2008
Apr 17: Urban Entertainment-The Way It Is
You can check ya boi out on the myspace at www.myspace.com/tplezya
he is bringing straight pleasure no pain and that's what it is.
Later in the show if you missed ya girl Neffe and that's what it is...we are going to try to bring her down here to show her how we keeps it urban at one of the parties down here...it's going down for realz but she talked about it all...for those who sent in questions she answer some of your questions no she is not single she's getting married and she said yes she learned from past mistakes and will do it so differently this time...she seems so happy and no she doesn't work at the georgia toll any more she's following her sister steps and finding her way in the entertainment business and She's cool peoples and keeps it so real 'cuz that's the way it is for realz you already know
you can check ya girl Neffe (Keyshia Cole's Sista) on the myspace at
www.myspace.com/yogirlneffe and that's here she'll holla back at cha ...she has baby jaylan all posted up there looking so cute as can be....also you can text her your questions and she'll text ya back
Text Neffy to 23907 and check her out on the myspace at www.myspace.com/yogirlneffe
I gotta send a special extra shout out to both Neffe and T plezya for calling in doing what they do....thanks for your time.
10. Winter is over
1. Spring Bling (you know how bet does it cuz ya girl has been there for the past two years and this year was up in the building shouts out to J holiday, Ray J, Kalid, BET period)
And that's it and Next week will be the last and final Urban Top 10 ever on Urban Entertainment on Owl Radio....times are changing and we bout to be doing some bigger things...you know i can't forget about my peoples but yeah you already know it's going down look out for the new and improve "Real Urban Entertainment" ya'll gotta make it hot like ya did this one with the hits...ya girl samore
Well this week in Urban Entertainment a lot has gone down
Beyonce says that she's gonna semi retire after the next album due later this year and help her husband out...yeah right she got the money now...long as she don't have a pre nup
A Keys sets it straight she's not a conspirecy therapist and the ak 47 is a play on her peformance because she killem dead when she do what she do...

Don't forget to check out Rock The Cradle with ya boy's Landon Brown (Bobby Brown son) and Lil B Sure (Al B Sure son) no longer Akeiba she was voted off this week so check them out Thursdays night live at 10pm on MTV
You can still vote for Lil B SUre and Landon Brown to keep them on the show. They both perform a song from one of their dads collection of hits and did a pretty good job but the judges were hating on them so they need your vote to stay on
Vote For:
Landon Brown text 5 to 97979
Lil B Sure text 4 to 97979

Jennifer Hudson album is finally coming and she's going to be Carrie in the Sex in the Sity movie that's coming out later this year. Two things for 08 for Ms. Hudson doing it so major kudos...shouts out to her you know we gots to keep it urban
Young Buck no longer with G unit and 50 is calling him out ...he wants his 200,000 dollars back that he loaned him for getting his stuff back from the "hood repo man"...

Speaking of 50 let's go into the segment we call....
If you thought Flavor of Love 3 was the end well it's just begun.....

....Flavor is passing it off to the JR. his son is going to star in Flavor of Love 4 he's 21 lawd have mercy...who will go out for that show...no comment
Chilli says she really loves Usher but she's not in love with Usher and she did admit to letting two good men get away

Speaking of Usher here's an exclusive look at the cover of Usher's new album dropping this June

Usher's Here I stand- no women on the cover Temeka must be happy with her ashy feet self she can't go out in the public like that being the wife of so sexy Usher Raymond.. hey it is what it is
Chris Brown get's a tattoo on his private parts?????

Doin' big things at BET UPfronts an award show...on bet coming soon
Shouts out to her sister Neffe for calling in and representing you know what i mean
Dwanye Wade and Star Jones???? Oh hell to the naw lol
R. Kelly's New lookanother hell to the naw lol
No Bi**cha$$ness vote Obama
And that's what it is...next week we will try to get your girl Keyshia Cole to call in...you never know
Just remember be good and keep it urban
ya girl samore aka mo urban cuz ya know ya girl keeps it so urban ...self proclaimed queen of urban entertainment
Don't forget to check out the official Urban Entertainment Myspace Page at www.myspace.com/urbanent2006 for clips from the show especially from the t plezya and neffe interviews this week....and look out for the new the Real Urban Entertainment Blog coming soon....We doing it so major
You wanna get on that R&B vs Hip Hop volume 3 mixtape compliation...holla at cha girl urbanent08@gmail.com
Oh and if you wanna attend the hottest and the largest networking event of the year May 9th and 10th in Ybor Tampa FL The Slip n Slide DJ Music Conference Retreat hit up the myspace to register...www.myspace.com/slipnslidedjs
Remember if you didn't get it from here then it's not urban and it's definitely not the realiest...stay tuned cuz you know we gonna keep ya up dating
Ya Girl Samore aka Mo Urban aka Queen of Urban Entertainment
Official Slip n Slide DJ